
Explore our comprehensive list of programs supporting zero waste efforts at the University of Wisconsin-Madison. From sustainable purchasing to innovative waste reduction efforts to piloting new recycling technologies, our diverse programs are driving impactful change. Discover how you can contribute to our zero waste goals and be a part of the sustainability solution.

Name Summary Administrator(s)
Food Recovery Network at UW–Madison The Food Recovery Network-Madison Chapter is a registered student organization that aims to alleviate food insecurity and minimize food waste. FRN hosts biweekly meals that recover food from campus dining halls and community partners. Food Recovery Network
Free Food Alert The Free Food Alert system sends emails and/or mobile push notifications to users when there is free food available on campus. Office of Sustainability
Kimberly-Clark Professional RightCycle™ Through the RightCycle™ Program, eligible Kimberly-Clark Professional products (protective clothing, gloves, safety glasses, masks/respirators, wipes) can be transformed into new consumer goods. Several labs on campus are already using the program or are otherwise eligible. Office of Sustainability
Leanpath Leanpath's food waste tracking devices allow high-production foodservice operations to track their food waste, understanding what exactly is being wasted and why. Leanpath technology tracks back-of-house food waste at Rheta’s and Four Lakes Markets, which helped reduce overall waste at Rheta’s Market by 40% in one year. University Housing
UW Frozen Meals Program Housing Dining’s Frozen Meals Program diverts surplus Dining meals to pre-packaged microwaveable meals at no cost to any UW-Madison student. University Housing
Surplus with a Purpose (SWAP) Online Auction Promotes the reuse, sale, and environmentally-friendly disposal of the State's surplus property. This auction is available to the public. Division of Business Services
SWAP-Surplus Property Service Request Promotes the reuse, sale, and environmentally-friendly disposal of the State's surplus property. This exchange is available to UW-Madison Departments only. University departments should fill out the Surplus (Disposal) Request Form to request this service. Division of Business Services
Material Distribution Services (MDS) Provides UW-Madison's redelivery services for ShopUW+ orders, management and order fulfillment for inventory catalogs of numerous entities, and warehousing space for campus schools/colleges/divisions as well as other State of Wisconsin Agencies. Division of Business Services
Ticket to Take Out Dining exclusively uses a reusable to-go container program called Ticket to Take Out in order to reduce single-use disposable waste in the Dining facilities. University Housing
Sustainable Move-Out Through collaboration with 21+ campus and community partners, Housing helps residents and their families say goodbye sustainably to items they no longer need. Sustainable Move Out diverts waste from the landfill, educates event participants on sustainable behaviors, and supports the goals of campus and community donation partners. University Housing
Tool Library College Library’s Tool Library provides students free access to objects ranging from power drills, to sewing machines, from soldering irons to general-purpose tool kits. UW Libraries
Styrofoam Reuse and Recycle Physical Plant- Campus Services collects the following materials for recycling and reuse: Styrofoam shipping containers. Large chunks of Styrofoam packing material (such as those that come around TVs, computers, and other electronics) Physical Plant- Campus Services
ReWear It Wisconsin-Swaps Re-Wear It Wisconsin is a registered student organization promoting conscious consumerism and sustainable fashion. They host fun and free clothing swaps bi-weekly at a range of locations across campus. ReWear It Wisconsin
ReWear It Wisconsin- Workshops Re-Wear It Wisconsin offers a variety of workshops ranging from mending to upcycling to bedazzling. ReWear It Wisconsin